
Take control of your crypto journey at Begin your secure storage experience with the ultimate hardware wallet solution.

The minimum system requirements for accessing are generally quite modest since it's primarily a web-based interface for setting up and managing your Trezor hardware wallet. Here are the typical minimum requirements:

  1. Operating System:

    • Windows: Windows 7 or later

    • macOS: macOS 10.11 or later

    • Linux: Most modern distributions are supported

  2. Web Browser:

    • Latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.

    • Ensure your browser is up to date to support the latest security features and standards.

  3. Internet Connection:

    • A stable internet connection is required for accessing the Trezor website and performing tasks such as firmware updates and cryptocurrency transactions.

  4. USB Port:

    • You'll need a free USB port on your computer to connect your Trezor hardware wallet using the provided USB cable.

  5. Hardware Requirements:

    • The hardware requirements are generally minimal and should be met by most modern computers. However, if you're using an older or lower-powered device, you may experience slower performance.

  6. Screen Resolution:

    • While not explicitly stated, having a screen resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels or higher is recommended for optimal viewing of the Trezor web interface.

Remember that these are just general guidelines, and it's always a good idea to check the specific requirements and recommendations provided by Trezor on their website or in their documentation, as they may update their recommendations over time.

Last updated